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What's in the Witch's Kitchen

Helen Peterson, Preschool Teacher
Multisensory learning is learning that involves two or more of the senses within the same activity: auditory (through their ears), visual (through their eyes), tactile (through touch), kinesthetic (through body movements). Sensory experiences are sticky, slippery, gooey, heavy, bumpy etc. Children learn best by having hands on experiences with materials so sensory materials are vital to your children's learning. Through sensory tubs like those in our 'Witch's Kitchen' the children are manipulating materials and learning to understand concepts such as more/less, full/empty, cause and effect, liquids and solids. Sensory experiences are also exciting which leads to children utilizing their language skills to express themselves and because they are often open ended activities children are able to use their own creative thinking skills to decide how they wish to use the materials. Such activities set the children on a path of discovery, working with each others to investigate and observe.
Boulder Country Day School    4820 Nautilus Court North • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • Phone - 303.527.4931 •
Boulder Country Day School, where academic distinction meets education with character. BCD is a top rated, accredited private school in Boulder, Colorado where every child has the opportunity to discover their own unique excellence. Distinguished by small class sizes, outstanding faculty, engaging academics and a focus on community, our preschool, elementary and IB middle school teachers strive to create a well-rounded educational environment that balances traditional subjects with the arts, world languages, athletics and knowledge based units.