
The BCD Fund

The BCD Fund

Gifts to the BCD Fund, our annual giving campaign, are the first and most important gifts we ask of our community each year. Together - by supporting the BCD Fund - we are providing the financial support to develop and advance our programs to ensure that BCD is able to provide an exceptional educational experience to our students.  Gifts to the BCD Fund, allow us to be responsive to the needs of our students and faculty - elevating the student experience. Your philanthropy goes directly toward advancing the school by supporting a number of ongoing priorities, including:

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Professional Growth

    Invest in the continuing education and growth of our faculty and staff. Our educators and their ability to learn, innovate, and grow is key to delivering the best education and school experience for each BCD student.
  • Student Experience

    The BCD student experience offers students the co-curricular support needed to be successful and well-rounded. It offers a wide range of resources and programs that reflect a balanced BCD experience: arts, athletics, technology/innovation, and field trips.
  • Financial Assistance

    We believe that a BCD education should be available to all students, regardless of financial status. Your gift helps us to expand financial assistance and allows us to empower families to choose BCD for their children.
  • Greatest Need

    Gifts to this fund ensure the financial sustainability of the school by providing flexible support for unforeseen needs and expenses. 

Giving Levels

Founder $10,000 and above
$5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,499
$500 to $999
$499 and under
Boulder Country Day School is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit recognized by the IRS.

The BCD Fund Q&A

List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • My family is already paying tuition . . . what does my child get when we make financial contributions to BCD?

    Your financial contribution to The BCD Fund supports the people and programs that make BCD the great school that it is: talented teachers, small classes, library and instructional resources, technology advancements, enriching arts and athletics programs. Each year, approximately 6% of the operating budget comes from contributions that directly support every aspect of school life. BCD relies on a combination of tuition income, charitable donations, income from auxiliary programs, and interest income to balance its annual budget.
    Could BCD operate on tuition alone? Not without looking significantly different. The School would be less innovative in our approach to education. Essentials like low student-to-teacher ratios, faculty and curriculum development, state-of-the-art technology, a rich arts program, and athletic equipment – all integral components to our rich and robust program would be compromised. Charitable gifts are a necessary part of every independent school’s healthy financial profile.
  • If independent schools were run more like a business, couldn’t they charge the full cost and avoid having to ask for gifts?

    BCD is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit institution. Unlike a for-profit business, which aims to make money, BCD aims to provide our students with the very best education. By nature, high-quality schools are labor-intensive and people oriented. In order to provide the best programs and competitive compensation to our outstanding faculty and staff, we continually evaluate and assess tuition increases, auxiliary programs like camp, and effective fundraising initiatives.
    And unlike tuition, contributions to The BCD Fund are fully tax-deductible and allow each family to give at a meaningful level to which they are able.
  • How much should I give to The BCD Fund and how much of a difference can my gift really make?

    Ideally, current parents identify BCD as one of their top philanthropic priorities and recognize that their contributions make a significant impact. Gifts to The BCD Fund range from $25 to over $25,000. Every gift ensures that we raise the necessary additional funds for our students above and beyond what tuition covers to support our program, faculty, and facilities. Also, your participation encourages others to give and sends a message to our community that BCD makes a difference. Every gift counts!
  • Should I give if I receive Financial Assistance?

    Yes. Even though many families make financial sacrifices to pay their tuition, it is still important for every member of our community to participate in The BCD Fund at some level.
  • Which is more important: The BCD Fund or the Gala?

    They are both important, and they serve different purposes. The BCD Fund supports the general operating budget while the Gala proceeds are specifically designated to fund a special project or initiative. We hope everyone will consider supporting both of these important opportunities each year.
  • When should I make my gift or pledge to The BCD Fund?

    The earlier we receive your gift, the earlier we can put it to work for all our students. We encourage all families to make their pledges by December 31, though payments are accepted until July 31.
  • Is The BCD Fund eligible for employer matching gifts?

    Yes! BCD is grateful to the many corporations that support BCD through their gift matching programs. Please use our match finder tool to see if your employer offers matching gifts. Note: Boulder Country Day may in some cases be listed under our incorporated name, "Fund for the New School." If you don't see BCD, please check for Fund for the New School. 
Boulder Country Day School    4820 Nautilus Court North • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • Phone - 303.527.4931 •
Boulder Country Day School is a proudly independent institution serving students 2 ½ years old - 8th grade. In partnership with our outstanding faculty and committed families, we uphold the highest standard for our balanced educational experience. Through small class sizes and innovative engagement in a supportive environment, students at BCD learn to explore their strengths and apply them to the world. Guided by our values, we believe the empowered minds that graduate from BCD will be the ones to ignite global change.