News Detail

MLK Day Celebration

This morning’s assembly was full of honor for Dr. Martin Luther King and the work our teachers and students have been doing around diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Second and fifth grade representatives shared the land acknowledgement they have created for BCD. They spoke eloquently about our need to take responsibility for educating ourselves and to acknowledge the history of this land and the peoples that have resided here before us. Then middle school students from the student initiated All Voices Are Heard student organization shared Dr. King’s story with the student body followed by the presentation of student group art projects featuring Dr. King quotes. Lastly, we were honored to have Minister Glenda Strong-Robinson to present to our community. Minister Glenda told of personal stories and affects the Civil Rights Movement has had in her lifetime and asked us to receive the torch she would like to pass on. We must take care of each other and love our neighbors as ourselves she implored. So, not just on this holiday in his honor, but on all days, let us remember the work of Dr. King and those who came before us as we strive to be the example in a world where all neighbors take care of each other.

Our students did a wonderful job and we would like to extend special thanks to our guest speaker, Minister Glenda Strong-Robinson, as well as all our teachers, especially Mr. Lopez, Ms. Bevins, Ms. Deuble, Ms. Woodring, Mr. Lacrampe and Ms. Mar.
Boulder Country Day School    4820 Nautilus Court North • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • Phone - 303.527.4931 •
Boulder Country Day School is a proudly independent institution serving students 2 ½ years old - 8th grade. In partnership with our outstanding faculty and committed families, we uphold the highest standard for our balanced educational experience. Through small class sizes and innovative engagement in a supportive environment, students at BCD learn to explore their strengths and apply them to the world. Guided by our values, we believe the empowered minds that graduate from BCD will be the ones to ignite global change.